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On-Chain Insights: Ape Staking, Across Bridge, and Exchange Flows

Key Insights From Today’s On-Chain Behavior

  • APE token staking is finally live and has received over $6m in inflows
  • Lots of stable-coin inflows from exchanges to Smart Money in the past 24H

Smart Money Overview

Exchange Flows

  • The largest outflows from exchanges over the last 24H from Smart Money were BUSD ($45.9m), USDT ($28.3m), USDC ($15.4m), and ETH ($11.3m).
    • The large outflows of stable-coins into Smart Money wallets continues to show the risk-off nature of its market participants.
  • The largest inflows into exchanges over the last 24H from Smart Money were APE ($182k) and 1INCH ($100k).
    • The inflow of APE into exchanges could...