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On-Chain Insights: Liquid Staking Derivatives, Trending Entities and Notable DEX Trades
Jake Kennis
Key Takeaways
3 min read
  • Smart Money has seen significant inflows in tokens like WETH, USDC, aSTETH, MKR, CHZ, and CRV following the Shanghai merge, with millions of dollars pouring into various wallets and projects, including Frax Finance and Morpho.
  • Notable entities like Lido DAO and Bend DAO are experiencing increased interest and inflows, with Lido having over 5.7 million ETH staked.
  • Large transactions and wallet activities in the past 24 hours include cvxCRV staking in Convex and an LUSD purchase used to buy 1.1k ETH through Liquity.

Smart Money Movements (24h)

The overall trend shows that Smart Money has positioned themselves from the success of the Shanghai merge, with large increases in LSDs and stables over the last 24 hours. Some of the top tokens include WETH, USDC, aSTETH, MKR, CHZ, other stables and CRV.


  • Over $10.3m of inflows to Smart Money addresses over the last 24 hours.
  • The majority of the flows go to this 🤓 Smart Dex Trader who now has over $24m of stETH supplied in Aave.
  • Recently, this wallet supplied over 10,000 stETH over the last day which can be tracked...