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On-Chain Insights: LSD Narrative Continues, Large Purchases of Dog Coins
Osgur Murphy O Kane
Key Takeaways
2 min read
  • Risk-on behavior in the market is apparent, with a number of large dog coin purchases.
  • The LSD narrative is getting back on track, and over the past day there were a number of large purchases of FXS. Some Smart Money activity in BTRFLY may be in anticipation of the announcement and launch of their stETH-backed stablecoin.

Key Token Movements (24h)


  • An inflow of $99k AURA for this Smart Money wallet can be attributed to it unstaking and selling approximately half of its holdings. This farmer periodically harvests and sells his AURA rewards. He is holding onto approximately ~$100k for now. This is a highly active farming wallet for those interested in creating Smart Alerts.
  • There have also been two six figure purchases of AURA by non-Smart Money wallets over the past day.