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On-Chain Insights: MAI LP yield, Prime Token, and AURA Finance
Key Takeaways
2 min read
  • MAI, QiDao's stablecoin, attracted inflows to its KyberSwap liquidity pool, offering an APR of around 37.7% with a TVL of around $1.99m.
  • Parallel, an NFT-powered sci-fi and card game, had around $940k inflows in the Uniswap liquidity pool, but Smart Money wallets reduced their exposure to the Prime token, with sobyinverse.eth reducing holdings the most.
  • Aura Finance had a 36% increase in users. Smart Money wallets have also increased their holdings in Aura in the last 24 hrs.

Smart Money Movements (24h)

Some capital attracted by decent yields in KyberSwap pools. Aura sees an increase in the number of users.


  • Over $62k of inflows to the KyberSwap: MAI-gDAI Liquidity Pool in the last 24hrs.
  • MAI is QiDao’s stablecoin. Users are able to mint it through overcollateralized debt positions.
  • The pool currently has a TVL of around $1.99m.
  • It is offering average APR of around 37.7%.
  • Website / Twitter / Nansen.
