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On-Chain Insights: Meme coins, AXL, DYDX, and GRAI
Key Takeaways
3 min read
  • Meme coins like PSYOPS, MRF, and REFUND are dominating hot contracts
  • Smart Money increases exposure to AXL and DYDX
  • Inflows into GRAI from etherealcapital.eth worth over $373k

Hot Contracts (24h)

Meme coins continue to dominate hot contracts


  • $5.3m of inflows into the Uniswap: V3 PSYOP-WETH (0.3%) Liquidity Pool in the last 24 hours
  • The contract also attracted 1 Smart Money address and 245 wallets in total on the last day
  • According to dex screener PSYOPS has a liquidity of $18.6m and a market cap of $1.9bn
  • ben.eth owns 534bn tokens which make up 97% of all the tokens


  • $2.7m of inflows into the [Uniswap:...