Hot DeFi Contracts (24h)
There was a significant inflow into the PRIME-WETH Liquidity Pool and the frxETH-FRAX Liquidity Pool.
PRIME-WETH Liquidity Pool
- $203k worth of inflow into the PRIME-WETH liquidity pool and 2 smart money depositors.
- Parallel recently airdropped PRIME tokens to NFT holders.
- While a few smart money addresses were reducing their exposure to the PRIME token during the day the token launched, we are seeing some new interest now.
frxETH-FRAX Liquidity Pool
- $255k worth of inflow into SolidlyDEX’s frxETH-FRAX liquidity pool.
- frxETH brings additional utility to the Frax ecosystem through additional revenue generated from fees, as well as enhancing its existing DeFi products, such as FraxLend and...