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On-Chain Insights: Render Token, Stader, Alpha Token and Meme Coins
Key Takeaways
3 min read
  • Render, MKR and DYDX are trending on Nansen VIP+
  • Smart money increases exposure to stETH, ALPHA and STADER
  • Meme coins like RBE and MMVG dominate activity in hot contracts

Hot contract (24h)

Meme coins continue to dominate the hot contracts dashboard.


  • $525k of inflows into the Uniswap: V3 RBE-WETH (1.0%) Liquidity Pool in the last 24 hours
  • The contract attracted 1 Smart Money address and 172 wallets in total on the last day
  • According to dex screener RBE has a liquidity of $1.6m and a market cap of $11.9m
  • "xhumera" on OpenSea increased holdings by $40k, while ainetworkdev.eth and...