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On-Chain Insights: Smart Money into GEAR, Binance Outflows, and Market Risk Aversion
Osgur Murphy O Kane

Key Insights From Today’s On-Chain Behavior

  • Smart Money is most interested at present in GEAR protocol, with 10 depositors into the Curve pool over the past 24 hours.
  • There is continued risk aversion in the market given the general negative outlook following the FTX crash and associated contagion.
  • Binance continues to have large outlows, primarily stables. However, the exchange still has enormous reserves. Note that proof-of-reserves do not represent the full picture of an exchange’s financial health. With all centralized entities, exercise extreme caution at present.

Smart Money Overview

Smart Money Token Holdings

  • $1.87m increase in dYdX holdings for Smart Money wallets in the past 24H.
    • The increase can be...