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On-Chain Insights: Smart Money Trends, Large DEX Trades, and Arbitrum Trending Entities
Jake Kennis
Key Takeaways
4 min read
  • Smart Money is accumulating stablecoins and majors, and showing interest in the LSD narrative leading into the Shanghai upgrade.
  • GRAIL and LDO are the most trending tokens for VIP+ users, with GRAIL up over 91% over the past 7 days and LDO seeing decreasing Smart Money balances despite growing Smart Money wallets.

DEX Trades (24h)


  • This wallet bought $1.2m of MATIC today. The wallet was originally swapping WBTC to USDC and then moved the funds to USDT and finally swapped to MATIC. This makes up a majority of this wallet’s holdings.


  • 🤓 nftalpha.eth* bought $315k of CRV today, which makes up a majority of its holdings. The CRV remains idle in this wallet at the time of writing.
  • This wallet is very heavy into supplying assets on Aave with over $683k WETH, $682k CRV, and $44k of LINK. The wallet has borrowed $176k in USDC.


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