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  • US equity market surged to new highs following Powell's statement that the US economy is progressing along its disinflationary path.
  • However, this bullish momentum has not translated to BTC and ETH, with prices hovering just above 60k & 3300 respectively.
  • Despite the sell-off, the options market is still heavily skewed in favor of the topside, suggesting that the market is still anticipating a year-end rally. This aligns with the desk's observation of significant buying interest in the longer-term options at the 100/120k strike.
  • Looking ahead, we anticipate a subdued Q3 for BTC as the market remains uncertain around the supply from the Mt. Gox release.

Trade idea Generate 15% p.a. yield on your BTC while waiting for the looming Mt. Gox supply to clear up and reveal clear blue skies.

CFCC (Coin underlying) Maturity: 27SEP24 Weekly Coupon Rate: 15% p.a. if BTC/USD fixes above 58,000 Strike: 70,000 Protection Level: 80,000 Only if spot price is above 80k at expiry, BTC will be converted to USD at 70k strike.

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