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Scroll - New Kid on The Block
Osgur Murphy O Kane


Scroll is a zkEVM rollup. It initially aims to become a type-2 zkEVM, where it is fully EVM-equivalent but not completely Ethereum equivalent due to some minor changes to make it more ZK-friendly. This is the same category as Polygon zkEVM, where the rollup is compatible with Ethereum at the bytecode level, meaning most infrastructure and dApps can deploy there with no / minimal changes. It is one of the most hotly anticipated L2 launches, with $83m raised and its last valuation at $1.8bn.

Note that Scroll did not officially launch until 17th October, but the bridge was deployed on earlier in the week. Scroll’s approach to building has been measured, with three different testnets before launching. It has taken the approach of not being first mover, but rather focusing on delivering a production ready and secure first instance.

Interacting with any new chain carries risk. Note that it will have initially have a centralized sequencer, and if it goes offline the protocol will halt. Scroll has just started its mainnet journey and intends to progressively decentralize over time.

Scroll Approach

Scroll seeks to differentiate itself by taking a measured and slower approach than its competitors. It is taking a long-term view, and the team is actively contributing to Ethereum L1 and zkSNARK research. It will be interesting to see how the protocol develops over the long-term relative to its competitors.


  • Scroll has been in production for two years.
  • The zkEVM circuits were reviewed by Kalos, Trail of Bits and Zellic.
  • The bridge and rollup contracts have been audited by Zellic and Open Zeppelin

Over this time, Scroll has undergone three testnets, with:

  • 90m+ transactions
  • An average of 305K transactions per day
  • 450k+ smart contract deployments
  • 9M blocks produced
  • 280K ZK proofs generated

Other large bridges like Orbiter and LayerZero will likely rollout support for Scroll in the near future.

Current Plays


KyberSwap currently has the most TVL on Scroll, and is a well-established protocol that launched in 2020. It currently has 6 high yielding farms on Scroll to attract liquidity.

Source: KyberSwap

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Skydrome is a Velodrome fork on Scroll i.e. a ve(3,3) DEX. Like all new protocols on new chains, there is high risk in using it. For those with the risk appetite, like all new ve(3,3) protocols there will be very high initial farming rewards.

Source: Skydrome

Skydrome have an incentive campaign where anyone who LPs before Nov 2nd will be eligible for their airdrop. Again, note the high risk of LPing on a new protocol.

Twitter Website Docs


Source: Nansen Query
Source: Nansen Query
Source: Nansen Query
Source: Nansen Query
Source: Nansen Query
Source: Nansen Query
Source: Nansen Query
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