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A Degen’s Guide to BTC Farming - Part 1: Full Exposure Farming
Niklas Polk
Key Takeaways
6 min read
  • This could be a good spot BTC accumulation phase.
  • Not putting your idle BTC to work is leaving money on the table.
  • The first part of this 3-part report series covers BTC farms that retain 100% of Bitcoin exposure.
  • The report uses Nansen and on-chain data to find the best BTC opportunities.
  • Opportunities include layered points farms, as well as combinations with lending protocols and vaults for additional yield.

This report reflects the discussions and views shared during our RA meeting. These are personal opinions of the team members and should not be interpreted as financial or trading advice. Readers should conduct their own research and consult with financial advisors before making any investment decisions.


Personally, I think it is a great time to start stacking more BTC. I employ a mix of Perpetual Futures limit orders just above key levels to catch wicks and sudden movements in a capital efficient manner to then later transfer to spot. On top of that, I do spot dollar cost averaging (DCA) as well, aimed to last another 2-3 months (with small adjustments to the dollar amount spent, depending on market conditions).
